Another day is always coming.

Well! In technicolour contrast to my black and white sad and overwhelming night last night I am feeling so grateful for things tonight.

I love my little life. I watched TV and caught up on some admin stuff for work tonight. Nothing heavy, just light stuff. My cat lazed in front of the gas heater and we were in a cosy little bliss.

I just made myself a cup of milo and was so grateful that I had sugar in my cupboard! Like not only in a macro ‘well I am so fortunate’ way but in a ‘single life is good’ way too 🙂

I think we feel misery and sadness so vividly but the ‘just so’ times pass by without much notice. It is like wellness, sometimes we forget to notice it until we are unwell… Maybe this is all linked to the mindfulness exercises I have been doing; five senses, mindsight (meditation) time and so on.

With five senses I sit quietly, wherever I am and focus on something I can smell, something I can hear, something I can touch, things I can taste and one thing I can see. Sometimes I reflect on these, sometimes it just brings me back to right here, right now.

Mindsight is a practice developed by Dan Siegel and is all about getting to know your mind. I try to do at least the breath awareness once a day, I love the Wheel of Awareness too, though this is more time consuming.

How do you notice the nice things?